Examining the Far-Reaching Consequences of Advancing Trends in Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Technologies in Diverse Sectors

Varun Kumar Nomula, R. Steffi, T. Shynu

1Department of Analytics/Industrial & Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 2Department of Electronics and Communication, Vins Christian College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India. 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Agni College of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. vnomula3@gatech.edu1, steffi12009@gmail.com2, shynu469@gmail.com3  


The relentless quest for innovation and the expanding demands of the modern world have been driving forces behind the tremendous improvements that have taken place in the field of electrical, electronic, and communications engineering during the past few years. This in-depth research study investigates the recent changes that have taken place in this ever-evolving industry, shining light on significant breakthroughs in electrical systems, electronic technology, and communication networks. We focus on the most recent discoveries made in research, as well as the approaches and technology that are playing a role in reshaping the future of this field. The problems, opportunities, and future prospects that academics and practitioners in this subject can anticipate are also discussed in the paper. Through an analysis of the existing environment, we hope to provide insightful information regarding the path that research and development in electrical, electronic, and communications engineering will take in the future. 

Keywords: Electrical Engineering; Electronics Technology; Communications Engineering; Emerging Trends; Innovation; Far-Reaching Consequences; Advancing Trends in Electrical.

Received on: 15/01/2023, Revised on: 02/03/2023, Accepted on: 05/05/2023, Published on: 07/08/2023

FMDB Transactions on Sustainable Energy Sequence, 2023 Vol. 1 No. 1, Pages: 27-37

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